For old people.
Hi, and thanks for checking out our website! Have a look below and see what applies to you: if you can’t find what you’re looking for then just get in touch.
We love to hear from families of young people.
Whether you’re concerned about a young person and would like to connect them with Hot Chocolate, or whether you have any questions about the work that we do, do feel free to get in touch.
Our Annual Report is a great place to start to hear a bit more about what young people get up to here, as it’s full of stories from the young people themselves.
To make the space a safe one for young people, we cannot allow visits during our drop-in youth work sessions. However, visits can be arranged outside these times to meet youth workers and hear more about what we offer.
We are all about collaboration and partnerships at Hot Chocolate.
Young people
Where it’s appropriate, and with the young person's permission, we often partner to provide joined up support with other orgs.
Sharing good practice, and amplifying the voices of young people is important to us. So we continually seek opportunities to connect with like minded organisations so we can learn from each other.
We love to work with all kinds of specialists around the young people’s interests - often around creative opportunities.
Get in touch if you’d like to explore any of the above.
Hot Chocolate is built around youth work volunteers giving their time to get to know and support the young people. We have high expectations of our volunteers, as we want the best for our young people. And our volunteers can expect a high level of learning and support from us. It can be challenging work, but it’s the best kind of work there is!
Get in touch if you’d like to explore volunteering opportunities. We also regularly take student placements from Community Education at Dundee Uni. If you’d like to explore the idea of being placed with us then chat to your supervisor.
Make a difference.
Like what you hear? To support Hot Chocolate financially, click the button below and visit our charity donations page. Many thanks!