For young people.
Hi and welcome to Hot Chocolate!
If you’re between the age of 12 and 21 and based around Dundee then check out below for some of the things we do and ways you can connect and get involved.
Open Sessions.
Our drop in open sessions are a great way to get to know the team and other young people. Based in the Steeple Church, we have a whole range of spaces where you can chill out, play sport, make music or art, as well as access support if you want to.
**Find out what’s happening and when through our team facebook profile - HotChocolate Trust. If you’d like to take part send us a friend request and a message telling us a bit about you. We can arrange for you to chat with a youth worker before meeting any other young people if you’d find that helpful, and if you’re not on facebook, that’s cool too - just get in touch and we’ll work out the best way to get you involved so you don’t miss out.
1-1 support.
We can get alongside you to help support around any issue you may be facing, or aspiration you may have. This could be an informal chat, or practically helping you in some way. Some common issues that young people get support around include:
Aspirations and goals
Education and employment
Mental health
You don’t need to know why you want support either. Just contact us and we’ll get a youth worker alongside you to help work out what’s up.
Other stuff.
We run all kinds of groups and trips, based on what young people want to do. These can be interest based or issue based, and we love to collaborate with young people around their ideas. We also run a number of residential weekends (when we’re not in lockdown!) and a three-week summer programme designed with young people for young people.
Recent groups and trips include:
Art and Chat groups
Community meals
Games design (with Biome Collective)
Photography weekend (with Mr Drew)
Riso printing group (with DCA)
Study group
Young parents group
Youth Led Volunteering Team (YLVT)
Youth Forum (helping shape Hot Chocolate Trust)
Important stuff.
Here’s some more key info that you might like to know if you’re thinking about getting involved.
What they said...
Perhaps the best way to find out more about Hot Chocolate is to check out our Annual Report - it’s a little book designed and written by young people and it shows what we have been up to together over the past year. Importantly, young people share their experiences of Hot Chocolate and what they have found helpful about being involved.
Check it out here.
Hot Chocolate...
… is fun. Charlie, 17
… is distraction. Emma, 18
… is fun and supportive. Jenny, 17
… is the bees knees. Paul, 18
… is a fun place to chill. Ethan, 17
… is supportive and happy. Lisa, 16
… is a hot drink. Taylor, 18
… made me feel not alone and not unhappy. Eden, 17
Stuff we do...
Our number one focus will always be building relationships and growing community with young people, and what that looks like is very much determined by those young people! Over twenty years working with young people and professional partners we’ve learned and developed some really great key areas of knowledge and action.
Some of these include:
Creative Arts
Education, Employment and Training
Youth Volunteering
All of these are things that our youth workers are happy to resource and support you around (as well as anything else you can think of) - Just ask!
How we work...
Here’s a few important things to know
Hot Chocolate loves to help young people see change in their lives. We want to know the difference we are making too and understand how best to help next. Because of this, our youth workers reflect together after sessions and record how young people are getting on and significant changes we are seeing. This goes into our database, where over time we can see and reflect (with you) on how you have grown. We do this with your permission, and what you tell team is confidential within the team. If you have any questions or concerns about this, or you would like to see your database records, please chat to team.
Everything you share at Hot Chocolate is confidential, and you can tell us anything. However, if we are concerned for you or someone else’s safety, we may have a duty of care to pass on information to social work or the police. We’ll never do this without your knowledge, (and as much as possible with your permission) as we want to work with you to get a good outcome. If you are worried about your own, or anybody else safety, we are here to help.
Say hi!
We’d love to hear from you, whether you’re already part of the Hot Chocolate community, or you’re just finding out about it now.
Get in touch to get involved or just to find out more a bit more.
No question is a stupid one, so come say hi!