Artefact /ˈɑːtɪfakt/ noun
1 /// an object made by a human being, typically one of cultural or historical interest.
2 /// something observed in a scientific investigation or experiment that is not naturally present but occurs as a result of the preparative or investigative procedure.
3 /// In natural science and signal processing, an artifact or artefact is any error in the perception or representation of any information, introduced by the involved equipment or technique(s).
Artefacts is a collective exploration of image, identity and imagination, by young people from Hot Chocolate Trust.
Drawing on diverse photography and print techniques, as well as found objects, writing, sound and games design, it draws connections between past, present and future.
Through playful creative and cultural archaeology, the Artefacts project emphasised unexpected discovery through process and medium, in both the art and the artists. The results can be seen in Slessor Gardens during May.
Taking place over 2020/21 during the corona virus pandemic and accompanying lockdowns, Artefacts also draws connections between a scattered community.
Limited and constantly changing capacities to physically connect transformed the project in terms of the forms of making, collaborating and exhibiting used. The end result is a selection of fractured glimpses, traces, fragments and memories that reflect back not only new imaginary worlds but the lived realities of the artists involved over what has been a very strange year indeed.
Key artists involved:
Amy Kemp
Caitlyn Mackenzie-Snow
Chantelle Patton
Ebony Hunter
Elise Boath
Erin Hardy
Hannah Cook
Holly McLaren
Jenny Low
Kieran Mowatt
Mikaela Aktag
Noah Downie
Ollie Brough
Quin Beattie
Rachael Lindsay
Reji Williams
Toni Greig
with help from the wider HC family
Special thanks to:
Biome Collective - biomecollective.com
Drew Cunningham - mrdrewphotography.co.uk
Dundee Contemporary Arts - dca.org.uk
Leyla Josephine - leylajosephine.co.uk
Su Shaw - shhe.bandcamp.com
Artefacts was made possible by funding from
The Ragdoll Foundation: - ragdollfoundation.org.uk